(Series 10 - Off-Sale Beer and Wine) near us.
EAO Convenience Beer & Wine Store, 3338 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ.
The above business recently filed an application for a liquor license in our area. State law allows anyone who resides in, owns, or leases property within a one-mile radius of this location to file written arguments in favor of or opposed to the issuance of the license.
You may file arguments related to either the personal qualifications or the applicant or the suitability of the location for a liquor license.
State law requires that arguments be files with the City no later than 5:00 p.m., February 10, 2012. You may mail or hand-deliver a letter or petition to the City of Phoenix, City Clerk Department, 200 West Washington Street, 1st Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. If you prefer, you may send an e-mail stating your arguments to: clk.liquor.license@phoenix.gov. Please include an address and telephone number so that we may contact you if needed.
Please print your name and address. If your name and address are not legible, we will be unable to process your letter or petition.
IMPORTANT: If you want to appear before the State Liquor Board on this item, you must file a separate argument with the Director of the Department of Liquor no later than 15 days after the City Council votes upon this application. Please call the Arizona Liquor Department at 602.542.5141 with any questions about their procedures.
For more information about the liquor licensing process and how your neighborhood organization can get involved, please call the License Services Section, at 602.262.4638. Or, visit our website at www.phoenix.gov/LICNSVCS/index.html.
Source: City of Phoenix