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Dear Property Owner, Resident or Neighborhood Association:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have recently filed a Zoning Adjustment Application (ZA-101-10) for the site located at 4010 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85012.
The Hearing is as follows:
Zoning Adjustment Hearing
City Hall
200 West Washington Street, 1st Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Assembly Room C
April 15, 2010 at 1:30 PM
You may attend the hearing to learn about the case and make your opinions known. Hearing information may also be found on signs posted on the site. Please confirm the meeting details with the City of Phoenix Planning Department before attending as they are subject to change. You may also make your feelings knownon this case by writing to the Planning Department at 200 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85003, 6th Floor and referencing the case number. Your letter will be made part of the case file.
I would be happy to answer any questions or hear any concerns that you may have regarding this proposal. You may reach me at
2777 E. Camelback, Suite 200
Direct Phone Number: 602-337-2536
Fax: 602-337-2620
Email: or you may reach the City of Phoenix Planning Department at 602-262-7131
Brian Braganza, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Associate Principal
Supporting drawing links: Variance Request, Proposed Site, Proposed Building Elevations
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Drawing 3
Drawing 4
Drawing 5
Variance Request
Dear Property Owner, Resident or Neighborhood Association:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have recently filed a Planning Hearing Officer Hearing Application PHO-2-10—Z-47-00-4 for a site located at 4010 N. 3rd Street, Phoneix, AZ 85012. We have requested that the site plan be amended to allow the construction of a new 2 story warehouse /data center on the vacant portion of the property that faces 2nd Street on the north side.
The Planning Hearing Officer (PHO) hearing only acts to modify or delete stipulations from approved rezoning cases. The action is limited to the modification of stipulations that were conditioned as part of the rezoning case. This hearing does not review the original change of zoning request. Our request is for modification of stipulations.
The Planning Hearing Officer will take place at the following date and location:
200 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Assembly Room C
April 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM
You may attend the hearing to learn about the case and make your opinions known. Please confirm the meeting details with the City of Phoenix Planning Department before attending as they are subject to change. You may also express your opinions on this case by writing to the Planning Department at 200 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85003, 6th Floor and referencing the case number. Your letter will be made part of the case file. A copy of this application, site plan and all relevant material pertaining to this request are available at and on file and available for examination prior to the public hearing in the office of the Planning Department between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
I would be happy to answer any questions or hear any concerns that you may have regarding this proposal . You may reach me at
2777 E. Camelback, Suite 200
Direct Phone Number: 602-337-2536
Fax: 602-337-2620
Email: or you may reach the City of Phoenix Planning Department at 602-262-7131
Brian Braganza, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Associate Principal
Supporting drawing links: Stipulation Modification Request, Proposed Site, Proposed Building Elevations
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Drawing 3
Drawing 4
Drawing 5
Stipulation Modification Request