The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have recently filed a Zoning Adjustment Application (ZA-488-10) for the site located at 3443 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012. The application requests two use permits and variance for the Executive Loan Center, which is a non-retail lending institution and auction house specializing in luxury goods. A copy of the Zoning Adjustment application is linked below for your information. The Zoning Adjustment hearing is scheduled for January 20, 2011 at 9am. The hearing will take place at Phoenix City Hall, 1st Floor, Assembly Room C, 200 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. You may attend the public hearing to learn about the case and make your opinions known. Hearing information may also be found on signs posted on the site.
You may also write to the City of Phoenix Planning and Development Services Department at 200 West Washington Street, 2nd Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003. Your letter should reference the case number: ZA-488-10. Your letter will be made a part of the case file. You may also contact the City of Phoenix's Planning and Development Services Department at 602.262.7131.
Should you wish to discuss this application in more detail, I would be happy to answer any questions or hear any concerns that you may have regarding this proposal. You may reach me at 480.429.3064 or sdemmitt@beusgilbert.com.
Beus Gilbert PLLC
Susan E. Demmitt
Planning Consultant
Download: Application for Zoning Adjustment